We are living in a time of social communication.  Communication is the secret and success of the modern times.  At this juncture I am happy to announce to you that we are re-launching our Parish Website. I deem it opportune to begin this venture on “Monthi-Fest Day”, which is our family feast.  Since our Parish is large, having 1000 families, this website would help us to reach to our Parishioners and others within a few seconds in every nuke and corner of the world.  This website surely will keep our people up to date wherever they are and build a rapport with them.

This effort of ours is in line with the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.  Some 50 years back, in Vatican II itself, the Church spoke about the importance of Social communication in its decree Inter Merifica, which said “Man’s genius has with God’s help produced marvelous technical inventions from creation, especially in our times ….. The Church, our mother knows, that if these media are properly used they can be of considerable benefit to mankind”.

I thank and congratulate all those who are responsible in bringing out this website and also those who would be maintaining it.  May this means of Communication bring Communion and build a good Parish Community.

I wish you all a Happy Monthi Fest.  May Our Heavenly Mother bless us all!


Rev. Fr. James D'Souza
Parish Priest