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The path treaded by Valencia parish

St Vincent Ferrar parish of Valencia situated at Kankanady locality of Mangaluru city has been very popular parish because of its distinct identity.

Although, the history of a community usually based on an individual’s contributions, it unravels only during social backdrop, adverse situations; it’s nurtured and fostered. ...Read more...

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SSVP Valencia celebrates Patron Saint's feast

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New Gurkars Take Charge of Holy Family and Infant Jesus Wards New Gurkars Take Charge of Holy Family and Infant Jesus Wards
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ICYM Valencia Unit Hosts Workshop on Artificial Intelligence ICYM Valencia Unit Hosts Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
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Parish Priest’s Message

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Rev. Fr Roque D’Sa more…


Rev. Fr Roque D’Sa
Parish Priest
Fr Pradeep Rodrigues
Asst. Parish Priest

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St. Vincent Ferrer Church
Valencia, Mangalore 575002

Phone: 0824-2951621