News By Gordon DAlmeida
Pics By Nikhil Studio

Valencia parishioners celebrated the annual feast on 29 January 2023. On account of this a musical nite was held at the golden jubilee hall at 6.00pm.

The programme began with a prayer song which was led by Jessica and the group. Fr Roque DSa parish priest spoke during the occasion. The musicians were felicitated during the occasion. Resident Priest Paul Sebastian DSouza performed a Magic Show which thrilled the crowd, Trio Mellu, Richa and Clitu enthralled the crowd with their wonderful jokes. The Housie-Housie game added extra life to the nite.

During the occasion ICYM Valencia unit unveiled the Trophy of Inter Parish “Women’s Throw ball Tournament” which is to be hosted on 12th February 2023.

The event was compered by Ronald Rodrigues, Melisha and Jovita.

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Valencia, Mangalore 575002

Phone: 0824-2951621