News by Gordon DAlmeida
Pics by Nikhil Studio

Christmas is a season filled with joy and love over the birth of Jesus. Stars twinkled and lights glittered as thousands of parishioners gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus. As the clock struck 7.00pm the Christmas carols began and followed by the Eucharistic celebration at 7.30pm. Hundreds of Valencia Parishioners gathered to celebrate this joyous Christmas celebration on the eve of 24th December 2023.

Fr Joswin DSouza Professor at St Joseph's Inter Dioceasan Seminary Jeppu was the Main celebrant . Parish Priest Fr Roque DSa, Asst Parish Priest Fr Vijay Monterio, Fr William Barrocas were the Co-celebrants.

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St. Vincent Ferrer Church
Valencia, Mangalore 575002

Phone: 0824-2951621